Tadysh started life over 20 years ago when I developed a method to measure my own happiness, factoring in all the things I thought either added or took away from my happiness. What started as My Happiness Project became the foundation of the Tadysh Individual Quiz, which gets to the nuts and bolts of the individual and what makes them tick.
Last year I took this a step further to create the Tadysh Happyometer, a method to measure general happiness that would be applicable to everyone. There are 20 questions about lifestyle and circumstances relating to the latest month based on common habits believed to help happiness, each with 5 options. By completing the quiz, users can see their happiness score, along with scores for Social, Mental, Physical and Professional Happiness. Users are given advice to improve their mental health over the following month and see how their happiness scores are changing over time with their history graph.
My intention with Tadysh is that someone, somewhere, feeling as though they have nothing to live for, can objectively see what they have going well and what they can do to be happier in the future. To make this as easy to access as possible, the Tadysh Happyometer will always be a free product. The last few years have had a profound effect on people’s mental health, and there has never been a more relevant time to globally nudge people to a happier life. Tadysh is not just for those feeling unhappy, even very happy people can be happier.
My managerial background demonstrated that the happiest workers had the most going on in their life, outside of the workplace as much as in it. These workers were the ones that were the easiest to manage, the hardest workers, and gave the best customer service. The happier lives the employees lead made the business metrics easier to achieve, but businesses are set to run for the benefit of the owners, not the employees.
I developed the Tadysh Method of business management. This is a simple system that puts some focus on the development of the employee’s happiness with a view to making the business more profitable and a nicer environment for everyone to work in.
I have an online video training course with resources to cover everything needed to incorporate the Tadysh Business Model. For those wanting the best experience, I also offer a 6-month mentoring program to fully implement the system and help you extract the most from it.